About me

I'm a Scot who's been living in Sweden and Finland for the past 37 years. I work at Linnaeus University in Kalmar, south-east Sweden as an e-learning specialist. I've always worked in education and have been both teacher and administrator in adult education, corporate training and university.

I see myself as an enthusiast for the potential benefits of the net in education though I'm definitely not very technical myself. Fascinated by the potential of open education where resources are shared and everyone has access to high quality educational resources. At present I follow global developments in educational technology and spread my findings and comments through various social media. I often speak at conferences and am involved in a variety of national and international projects. The main aim of my work is to raise awareness of the potential of e-learning and help others discover new methods, tools and technologies.

I have worked in a number of organisations and international projects over the years but am now scaling down such commitments. I was a member of EDEN's (European Distance and E-learning Network) NAP Steering Committee 2017-2020 and in 2017 I was awarded the title EDEN Fellow. I worked for the Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL) as Swedish representative in the Distans network 2013 - 2019, a member of the steering committee of ITHU (Swedish network for IT in higher education) and a member of the ISO PC288 standardisation committee that drew up the management system for educational organisations (ISO21001).

Otherwise I'm interested in birds and bees (watching birds and keeping bees). I enjoy travelling and am a big sports fan, especially football (both soccer and American), cricket, ice-hockey and basketball. I listen to a wide variety of music and am also fond of watching extremely bad movies, especially 50s low budget science fiction.

My other blogs and web channels

Flexspan - news blog on developments in e-learning (in Swedish)
Twitter @alacre
My bookmarks on Diigo 

My publications

Akhmetova, D. Creelman, A. Morozova, I. Zaynullin, A. (2013) Facilitation as a method for a more inclusive approach to online learning / ФАСИЛИТАЦИЯ КАК ОДИН ИЗ МЕТОДОВ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ИНКЛЮЗИВНОГО ПОДХОДА ПРИ ONLINE ОБУЧЕНИИ. Ideas of inclusive pedagogy in the context of modern requirements for preschool, school and professional education, Publisher "Cognition", Kazan, Russia.
Bourelius, L. Creelman, A. Forsberg, Å. (2012). OER – an international trend with slow development in Sweden. Sciecom Info: Nordic-Baltic Forum for Scientific Communication, Vol 8, No 1, 2012

Breznik, K., Špur, N., Creelman, A., Frumen, S. (2019). Didactical Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Modern Teaching Practices (MTPs) in Higher Education. Proceedings of the 2ND International Scientific Conference: »Teaching Methods for Economics and Business Sciences«. 29-50.

Creelman, A. (2019). ОНЛАЙН-ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ДЛЯ БЕЖЕНЦЕВ – БАРЬЕРЫ И ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ : Online education for refugees - barriers and opportunities. ПРЕЕМСТВЕННАЯ СИСТЕМА ИНКЛЮЗИВНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ: ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЕ ИНКЛЮЗИВНЫХ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ СИСТЕМ [Successful Systems of Inclusive Education: Designing of Inclusive Educational Systems] : Материалы VIII Международной научно-практической конференции 21–22 марта 2019 г. [Proceeding of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference March 21-22, 2019]. 30-35.

Creelman, A. (2011) OER - en resurs för lärande: Projektrapport till Kungliga biblioteket, Programmet för Open Access.se.

Creelman, A. (2012) Public libraries as learning spaces. Scandinavian Library Quarterly, Vol 45 No 1 2012

Creelman, A., Árnason, H., Röthler, D. (2017). Webinars as Active Learning Arenas. European Journal of Open and Distance Learning. 

Creelman, A., Árnason, H., Creelman, A., Eklund, C., Grubbe, J., et al. (2018). Silent learners : a guide. Oslo, Nordiskt nätverk för vuxnas lärande (NVL). 28.

Creelman, A. Ehlers, U. Ossiannilsson, E. (2014). Perspectives on MOOC quality - An account of the EFQUEL MOOC Quality Project. International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning, Issue 3 2014, pp 79-87. http://cdn.efquel.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/6/files/2013/02/INNOQUAL-Issue-3-Publication-Sep-2014-FINAL-complete1.pdf

Creelman, A. & Forsberg, Å. (2010). Open Educational Resources – a resource for learning. ScieCom info – Nordic-Baltic Forum for Scientific Communication Vol 6 No 3 2010.

Creelman, A., Löwe, C., Nilson, M., Piltz, L. (2020). Teaching Humanities Online : Practical Examples from Linnaeus University. Doing Digital Humanities : Concepts, Approaches, Cases. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 65-80.

Creelman, A.Löwe, C. (2019). Mainstreaming virtual mobility – helping teachers to get onboard. Telecollaboration and virtual exchange across disciplines : in service of social inclusion and global citizenship. Voillans, Research-publishing.net. 15-22.

Creelman, A., Witthaus, G. (2018). Facilitated MOOC support - closed bubbles in an open sea. The 2018 OpenupEd TrendReport on MOOCs. Maastricht, Netherlands, EADTU. 31-34

Creelman, A., Witthaus, G., Rodriguez, B.C.P. (2018). Refugees’ educational resources – RefER project final report. Open university, UK. 28.

Creelman, A. & Ossiannilsson, E. (2011). Opening pandoras box. Conclusions from a Swedish OER project. EDEN annual conference 19/06/2011. Dublin, Ireland. Abstract in conference proceedings http://www.eden-online.org/system/files/Annual_2011_Dublin_BOA_0.pdf

Creelman, A, Ossiannilsson, E, Falk, P. Förändringar, utmaningar, gränslöst lärande. Book chapter in Dunkels, E & Lindgren, S (eds) Interaktiva medier och lärandemiljöer. Gleerups 2014.

Creelman, A. Petrakou, A. Richardson, D. (2008). Teaching and learning in Second Life - experience from the Kamimo project. Conference paper at Online Information 2008 Conference Proceedings: Information at the heart of the business.

Creelman, A., Kvarnström, M., Pareigis, J., Uhlin, L., Åbjörnsson, L. (2021). Problem-Based Learningin International Online Groups. Designing courses with digital technologies : Insights and examples from higher education. New York & London, Routledge. 42-47.

Creelman, A. Reneland-Forsman, L. (2013). Completion Rates – A False Trail to Measuring Course Quality? European Journal of Open and Distance Learning. Publication date 19/09/013

Dafgård, L. & Creelman, A. (2021) Pandemic as Catalyst for National Digital Transformation of Higher Education - A Swedish Case Study. EDEN conference 2021 Proceedings,  Lessons from a Pandemic for the Future of the Education. pp 392-400. DOI: https://doi.org/10.38069/edenconf-2021-ac0038

Molka-Danielsen, J, Carter, B W, Creelman, A (2009). Empathy in virtual learning environments. International journal of networking and virtual organisations 2009 (Vol 6, No 2 pp 123-139)

Ossiannilsson, E. & Creelman, A. (2011). Quality indicators within the use of open educational resources in higher education. Book chapter in: Méndez-Vilas, A. ed. Education in a technological world: communicating current and emerging research and technological efforts. Formatex Research Center 2011, pp 372-382

Ossiannilsson, E. & Creelman, A. (2012). La formazione universitaria da proprietaria a personalizzata: come le OER potrebbero portare le Università fuori dalla loro comfort zone. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 8(1).

Ossiannilsson, E. & Creelman, A. (2011). Quality improvement of the use of OER in higher education - challenges and consequences. In: EADTU Annual Conference 2011 at Anadolu University in Eskisehir, Eskisehir, Turkiet, 02—05/11/2011. EADTU.

Ossiannilsson, E. & Creelman, A. (2012). OERopoly: collaboration, communities and the context of academic practice. Next Generation Learning, Conference proceedings pp 75-82, Dalarna University 2012

Ossiannilsson, E. & Creelman, A. (2012). From proprietary to personalized higher education-how OER takes universities outside the comfort zone. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 8(1).

Ossiannilsson, E. & Creelman, A. (2012). OER, Resources for learning – Experiences from an OER Project in Sweden. European Journal of Open and Distance Learning. Publication date 26/03/2012.

Ossiannilsson, E. Uhlin, L. Creelman, A. (2014) Building your own personal learning network. Next Generation Learning Conference Proceedings, Dalarna University College

Pawlowski, J. Hoel, T. Varis, T. Lounaskorpi, P. Johannessen, Ø. Titlestad, G. Ossiannilsson, Ebba. Creelman, A. Hylen, J. Hjorth Lund, C. Ellefsen, O. (2013) Towards a Nordic Alliance for Open Education – a Position Paper. Published in elearningeuropa.

Pawlowski, J. Hoel, T. Varis, T. Lounaskorpi, P. Johannessen, Ø. Titlestad, G. Ossiannilsson, Ebba. Creelman, A. Hylen, J. Hjorth Lund, C. Ellefsen, O. (2013) The Nordic Alliance for Open Education - State of the art, challenges and opportunities. Conference paper EDEN 2013.

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