The classroom without books is a similarly bizarre concept but is becoming increasingly attractive. A few months ago Californian governor Arnold Schwarzenegger caused quite a stir by announcing that schools would be encouraged to phase out expensive textbooks in maths and science and replace them with free, on-line educational resources. Whether Arnold is well-versed in the benefits of Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons or not is of little importance. The point is that it has started a process and given teachers an opportunity to seriously start using digital learning objects.
An article in the New York Times (As classrooms go digital, textbooks are history) today presents a positive angle on the book-free classroom. Using on-line resources frees students from the restrictions imposed by the physical classroom and traditional teaching meodels. As a school superintendent says in the article:
“We’re still in a brick-and-mortar, 30-students-to-1-teacher paradigm, but we need to get out of that framework to having 200 or 300 kids taking courses online, at night, 24/7, whenever they want.”
Many schools are already providing students with laptops as part of a regional initiative called Beyond textbooks, encouraging teachers to share material and make use of net-based resources. The publishers of school textbooks are of course particularly at risk in this initiative but some are evidently already offering more e-books. One interesting development is the development of "flexbooks" where basic material is made available on the net and teachers can add to them and adapt them to their own school.
The key factor in this type of initiative is to ensure that the digital divide is not widened. Many students do not have internet access from home and it is vital that the move to on-line teaching does not only benefit students from wealthier families. It's worth keeping an eye on developments in California.
Hi Alastair,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the follow on Twitter by the way. I will also put your blog on my blog aggregator. I was also a vicarious attendee at #opened09 & #steconf (although that one was more difficult to participate in). I think I made up the term "vicarious attendee" on my blog yesterday.
Just wanted to suggest someone you might want to check out--Alec Couros who lives in Regina (about 3 hours away from me). CogDog (Alan Levine) mentioned him during his Stories of Openness presentation. Apparently Alec's doctoral dissertation was about Creative Commons. He was the one who created the Networked Teacher visual. Maybe you already know all about him. But, just in case, check him out.
I think on Sept 8 there is an on-line session with Dave Cormier and George Siemens. Closer to the time, I can give you more info about it.
Saskatoon, Sask. Canada